Determine the effect of active molecules or external factors on living organisms

You want to evaluate the effects of an active molecule or an environmental factor on the diversity of species present in an environment.

Your study may focus on the impact of an active molecule or an environmental factor on a known (in terms of genetic sequence) species ; in this case, BIOMNIGENE will amplify by PCR or qPCR genes or gene fragments specific to the target organism.

The challenge of your project is to highlight the effect of a drug, probiotic, or cosmetic on the commensal flora of volunteers; in this case, the BIOMNIGENE team carries out a study for you by high throughput sequencing of more or less preserved regions of the bacterial genome.

Genetic material
Whole genomes
Target genes
Gene fragments
Microbiome alnalysis
Determine the effect of active molecules or external factors on living organisms

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Molecular biology applied to your needs.

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+33 (0) 3 81 25 03 48

18 rue Alain Savary